Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10th
The Day I Realized I Forgot How Much I LOVE the Live From Albertane album

I love Hanson. My relationship with Hanson has been on and off since 1997 (5th grade). Their most recent album is fantastic and reignited my love for them.

Today at work, I started my day by entering the office and immediately having multiple people come at me with chaos and drama. That is NOT something I need first thing in the morning.
I quickly set about trying to find some music that would not only make me less murderous, but actually elevate my mood to something resembling happiness and/or carefree whimsy.

I threw on some Hanson (This Time Around) and quickly realized that wouldn't be enough. I set about creating the Ultimate Hanson Playlist, not thinking much of it.

I've now been listening to this mix for the last two hours and it is doing WONDERS to combat my HORRIBLE state. Now I'm only mildly annoyed. What was my point?...
OH! Yeah, my point was that I totally forgot how wonderful Live From Albertane is. 
All the voices had finally dropped. Taylor was sounding FINE! (and by "fine" I mean HORRIBLY ATTRACTIVE) They sang all my favorites (well, most of them anyway)

Now I've got Hanson-fever and am thinking about going home after work to watch all the DVDs of theirs' that I have (totally kicking myself for not having a VCR to watch all the VHS tapes I have)

(here's a little taste of the playlist)
(and no, Ariel did not create this list, I just used her Spotify account...)