I realize everybody has their own opinion on the beatles.
Some love John, others Ringo.
I however, think George was (and quite frankly, still is) the best Beatle.
Wah wah, John Lennon got shot, wahh, nanny nanny boo boo. Cry me a river.
George got stabbed betch!
...and he didn't die.
okay, I josh, but still, George is the best, and there's not an argument in the world that could ever make me change my mind.
All my favorite Beatles songs are the ones that George wrote
(and because John and Paul were decks, and didn't want to share songwriting royalties, he basically got one song per album)
I won't even attempt to explain the depth of my love for All Things Must Pass.
I also like to imagine George and Bob Dylan's friendship. The mental image of the two of them on a tandem bike, much like that scene in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (*sidenote*my ALL TIME FAVORITE FILM), and yes, it will be a montage set to the sweet sweet stylings of Burt Bacharach.
this is where I insert the George/Bob songs that I love so much
I like to think that they keep looking at each other because they're deeply in love...
George was a beautiful human being, and I hope that his soul has been reincarnated into some precious baby somewhere, born into the home of a music-loving family, and they will nurture him and he will grow up to become George Harrison 2.0
and now, I give you (and by you, I mean me) some super classy youtube videos that prove how amazing the youngest and cutest of the Beatles really was.
This is my JAM when I need to get PUMPED UP, or just elevate the humors.
and FINALLY, because we all need some SILLY George Harrison:
(Ariel, I hope this song is now forever stuck in your head! HAH!)
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