Monday, May 12, 2014

Quotable Tony

The Many Choir Quotes of Tony Lechner…(I probably missed quite a few…)

10/18/2012 If you're clappily challenged, you don't have to do it.
4/25/2013 don't give everything you have and then die slowly
6/13/2013 Dial it up to somewhere between Barry Gibb and Robert Plant.
6/16/2013 It's a rare sighting a bass! Let's be really nice and hope he stays.
6/16/2013 Lets segregate the bass. We don't want him feeling like he's part of the group. Don't wanna set a precedent
6/27/2013 Ah, that's the little known Italian jellyfish symbol.
7/1/2013 wanna open that door? you have to kick it open. You have to kick it like you're the Feds kicking down a door.
7/7/2013 It's gotta sound like you just don't care and it's gotta sound like you mean business.
7/7/2013 We don't sing notes , we sing music
7/7/2013 Remember it's laid back, so the thing has to swing. #TonyTalk #ValleyRockChoir #CrazyLittleThingCalledLove
7/7/2013 It's pretty loosely pitched. Well, no it's not loosely pitched. It's pretty tightly pitched.
7/7/2013 You sound tranquilized. Don't sound like a brain dead zombie-cult.
7/11/2013 It's low, it's not for the faint of lowness.
7/11/2013 Now that you can do it, don't do it!
7/11/2013 The chord really jumps out, gets you right between the eyes, like Captain Marvel.
7/22/2013 I'm trying to keep a nice little windshield wiper thing going.
7/22/2013 Tin it up! Trademark!
7/25/2013 I know for some of you this is just a summer fling. I'm not gonna beg. I've got my pride
7/25/2013 The first notes of the song have to be HUGE. Great Huge Chords...of notes
7/26/2013 We're so popular we have to advertise the wrong time just in case we sell out.
7/26/2013 Art Steele: amplifying awesomeness since aught five.
7/26/2013 You're kinda like split the diff; that's my rap name by the way. 
7/26/2013 Everybody's got something to do except for me and my monkey.
7/26/2013 I think you have a defective bell -Kate Pawul
7/27/2013 Sometimes I just start yelling in German ...because that's the only way to speak German
7/28/2013 You can't say baahh-sicle because that's like a sheep on a Popsicle OR like a sheep on a bicycle
9/5/2013 Let's try to sound like not-chipmunks
9/5/2013 You can be freakishly forcefully forceful
9/5/2013 You can sing it more better
9/5/2013 You should sound like you're bored or in a cult...if you're doing it right
9/5/2013 Less Captain Hook 
9/27/2013 Whenever I hear a good choir, I immediately need to root through my briefcase 
9/27/2013 Try not to breathe when the person next to you breathes
10/3/2013 Damn I should've recorded that
10/3/2013 It should sound unnaturally awkward if you're doing it right
10/3/2013 Yes! Singing on an r! It's never been done before! (And should never be done again...)
10/10/2013 What's that little part we screwed up? Pages one through six?
10/10/2013 you're just doing "ba ba bop bop bop bop where the hell am I ?"
10/10/2013 The first time you do it, it's like "Wahh, what just happened?!?"
10/10/2013 I should record this! Oh wait, I am recording it!
10/17/2013 That was surprisingly good
10/17/2013 You should be driving towards unconscious grotesques
10/17/2013 Seal tribute!
10/17/2013 That wasn't that hard, it sings itself!
10/17/2013 I gotta know how you perform when people are staring at you.
10/24/2013 For every baa you hold, it's gotta be psychotic looking, or at least psychotic feeling
11/7/2013 Has anyone heard a musical saw? It's like a soprano singing no words at all
11/7/2013 Musical thieves , sneaking in at night
11/7/2013 There's one thermostat. Once it's on, it's on for two hours,&there's no way to mess w/ it without invoking
religious wrath
11/7/2013 It should be a drone, like bagpipes. Gentle bagpipes. Monks. Monks who play bagpipes.
11/14/2013 It needs to be like you just had your jaw wired and you're learning how to sing.
11/14/2013 It worked! The wall of sound knocked out the sopranos!
11/14/2013 Remember! Bright happy psychotic zombie baaah's
11/14/2013 Go past Steven Tyler and go all the way to Robert Plant.
11/14/2013 First person to mess up gets tased (Or recorded, I don't know which is worse)
1/15/2014 It won't sound psychotic if we all sing it together
2/6/2014 I believe the technical term is flippy thingy.
2/6/2014 We've got a bunch of guys in Brattleboro who are rockin the low d's...
2/6/2014 You actually do do the doo-doo!
2/6/2014 Now if everyone can sing like you have a cold and you're British we'll sound just like The Kinks!
2/27/2014 Sorry tenors. Whatever I just did to help you, that’s the opposite of what you do.
3/6/2014 This is not beginner clapping. This is advanced.
3/13/2014 If you sing along with the radio, you probably don’t choose those notes...
3/13/2014 The choir that blends together...something together.
3/13/2014 Ray Davies’ cold-infused voice...
3/13/2014 Sopranos get the really satisfying end. That’s no longer for you, Altos. That door is closed.
You’ve chosen a different path.
3/20/2014 This is not a choir song, it’s an a-choired taste.
3/20/2014 One does not simply teach a choir to sing a Kings X song...
3/20/2014 Stagger the breathing so you don’t all die at once.
3/20/2014 Much better with the “oh yeah”, very Kool-Aid Man. That’s very sexist. It should be Kool-Aid Person.
Anyone can grow up to be Kool-Aid!
3/20/2014 This makes “Wrapped In Grey” look like a top-40 hit...
3/20/2014 Basses, use your power for good!
3/20/2014 Brave people will have to volunteer to clap.
3/30/2014 First rule of following me: Never do what I do. 
3/30/2014 I have no idea what the tenors do...
3/30/2014 Cue all the parts? What do I look like, a choir director?
3/30/2014 I don’t have time to get into the bah-ya-ya meanings.
3/30/2014 Let’s start at letter ten.
3/30/2014 I want you all to burn your music right now! 1-2-3 GO!
4/4/2014 You have to mean what you’re saying...which means you have to KNOW THE WORDS...
4/4/2014 Rock & Roll is not to be conducted!
4/4/2014 Dinosaurs are terrible with diphthongs 
4/4/2014 Letter H, for HUSH
4/4/2014 More doomba doomba!
4/4/2014 What are you on Basses?
4/4/2014 That’s AHHHHH-some!
4/4/2014 It’s gotta be exaggerated. Like, to the point of “AHHHH! WHAT’S HAPPENING?!?”
4/18/2013 The children! It’s all about the children! Won’t someone PLEASE not think of the children?!?
4/18/2013 Designated Clapper. The DC.
4/18/2013 raise your hand if you’re clappily challenged..
4/18/2013 I don’t know how we’re gonna end it...I’ll figure it out...soon...
4/18/2013 “Uh” is a dangerous vowel
4/18/2013 Raise your gauntlet of rock! Channel your angst into every note!

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